CT Communication

by barryconvex • Uploaded: Dec. 20 '09


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Description: unused proposal for a communication agency
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2764

Lets Discuss

ColinTierney Oct. 24 '11

wow, i'm not so sure where that one came from but if you have a problem with something that i have done you should try being more professional and emailing me personally instead of seeking attention here. %22i say it again%22...uhhh am i missing something? i don't ever recall talking to you about anything. i understand we have similar monograms in our showcases. i can assure you i've been working on mine several years prior to creating an account here. it's always a WIP and i have continued to make subtle changes here and there. so, with that said, congratulations for beating me to the punch on logopond. and congratulations with handling this in such a mature way. most of all,congratulations on your successful logo you have here. cheers.

barryconvex Oct. 25 '11

You've disabled the comments underneath your first version because I had politely stated that I have done something similiar and better before. %0D*I used the term %22I say it again%22 because as usual, unwanted comments are censored by the moderator(s). %0D*Of course, you don't feel the necessity to remove yours, don't you?. I mean, after all, there are 30 %22floaters%22 and it's not originality or opinions that count anyway, it's how you make the best deal by selling your integrity.

barryconvex Dec. 07 '11

So it was only a question until that spastic not only copied the idea but also the color choice.%0D*http://dribbble.com/ColinTierney%0D*%0D*

ColinTierney Dec. 07 '11

dude, seriously? get over it. the color choice is derived from the site. pink for dribbble, blue for logomoose, green for forrst. check all three. when i first created a logopond account i had 3 different monograms up that were all very similar to one another. i only flagged my logo because of a 99design issue. again i say, i have never seen this logo prior to you name calling and acting like a child.

tabithakristen Dec. 07 '11

Well, Colin's execution is much more appealing. Not that it matter at this point but, I prefer Colin's. Definitely.

Dan. Dec. 07 '11

%5E i agree with tabitha. also, why get so angry when your logo is an %22unused proposal%22?

barryconvex Dec. 08 '11

%22i only flagged my logo because of a 99design issue. again i say, i have never seen this logo prior to you name calling and acting like a child.%22 %0D*That is a lie and everyone knows it. http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/99734 Mar.14%0D*I have lost interest in logopond as a site for useful and honest designrelated comments a long time ago, because it%60s the exact same situation where a logo of mine is copied and praised in its %22reincarnation%22 that has happened at least four times before.%0D*If you don%B4t like my designs, so be it. And I%60m not against harsh and open criticism. What I mind is the usual hypocrytical cheerleading by small minded jerks who measure a member%60s value by his or her %22floats%22. So for every %22ooh me likey%22 they expect a %22float%22 in return and taking a point of view then isn%60t determined by right or wrong, it%60s simply calculating from what or whom you benefit the most.%0D*%0D*So, Colin%60s %22execution is much more appealing%22. Yes, and retarded is the new smart.%0D*%0D*http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/106167%0D*http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/18716%0D*%0D*David, I don%60t envy you, because a few of your top chatters seem to take it for granted that logopond%60s main goal is to provide them free advertising and they can get away with anything.%0D*%0D*

barryconvex Dec. 08 '11

The typical example would be this one:%0D*http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/118296%0D*%0D*I understand that it is difficult to invent something completely new and it simply happens that someone has had a similiar idea before. But what is very telling is that the discussion is basically the same as above, with Mr %22I guess they%B4d hire me first%22 Ocularink adding the second version to his favourites.%0D*(I didn%60t try to establish the laughable comments for the Passenger logo as a running gag, even though I%60d be the only one who would be perfectly entitled to do so. I suspected you to be the one to delete my final comment in that thread, but obviously I was wrong, sorry.)%0D*%0D*I personally really don%60t care if you delete the logo in question or not, because in general praise at logopond isn%60t worth much. It isn%60t an expression of respect, it is far too often a tool to win a popularity contest. %0D*Do you believe tabithakristen could give a convincing argument why my version isn%60t executed better? I know that won%60t happen.

ColinTierney Dec. 08 '11

barry, you're right, 99designs wasn't the only reason for flagging my logo. i didn't appreciate the following comment from you and i wanted to prevent another one from happening in the future...** %22I say it again: What a disgusting sycophant you are.%22 barryconvex Oct. 24 '11.**david, i apologize for this whole mess, but this could have all been prevented with a simple email from barry. this is what a profile is for. barry does not have a listed email so i could not write to him. i understand next time to just contact you.

tabithakristen Dec. 08 '11

Barry, that was a pretty rude thing to say about someone you don't know. All I did was express my preference for Colin's execution and you insult my intelligence? I think it's pretty obvious that you can't handle a bit of criticism and you probably shouldn't even be in this business. I didn't personally insult you... at all.**Tell me, how did you come to the conclusion that I couldn't give a convincing critique of your logo? I'm not just some random person who signed up here to defend Colin and his logo. I don't even really know Colin very well. My opinion is not biased so please don't insult me for sharing it.**Just leave me out of it from now on. Thanks.

barryconvex Dec. 08 '11

q.e.d. As expected you produce zero insight for your opinion.%0D*%0D*Maybe I%60m too demanding but the discussions at logopond are usually absolute low points if someone is willing and able to call a spade a spade - and one of the reasons logopond lost interest to me is that it happened to be mostly me, to my surprise, I might add.%0D*http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/76343%0D*http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/71629%0D*http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/108918%0D*http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/91642%0D*%0D*And it is an open secret that the top chatters prefer ridiculous %22revenge acts%22 to having actual points of view.%0D*

barryconvex Dec. 08 '11

%22You don't have one logo in the gallery, not because any of your work has been glossed over but because its clear that you have several years of development and refinement ahead of you.%22%0D*Believe it or not, but logopond is hardly the final word on design. So, in this case, an inferior copy of my designs gets more votes than all my other logos put together, which means those votes don%60t mean a thing.

camisa15 Dec. 08 '11

The world of design is a showcase, the criticism is part of our professional growth.**The applause is part of an innate talent or professional growth. If, over time there is no applause then you should focus on these failing. **I think the most important thing is that you are happy with what you do, without using the applause as a parameter, unless you expose it to public criticism for receiving feedback from the people you show your work, people will give his criticism is not to annoy you, they will do to help you grow professionally.

tabithakristen Dec. 08 '11

Yes Barry, because I didn't want to be involved in this or insulted for having an opinion and preferring his execution over yours. I've given many thoughtful critiques here on Logopond. I don't think I need to get into specifics or waste my time explaining myself to you. When I critique someone's work, I do it as a friendly or helpful gesture. Why would I express either to you after being treated like dirt? Anytime you have a conflicting opinion with the majority here, your defense seems to be that it's all based on popularity. I'm not popular on LP but quite a few logos of mine have been added to the gallery. Your logic fails.

barryconvex Dec. 08 '11

Thank you for your comment. I still think it%60s a decent logo (and the reason it ended up being unused isn%60t that the client thought otherwise, he liked it even more than I did/do). It seems a pretty good guess that no-one who voted for the %22other one%22 will give a convincing reason why mine isn%60t superior.%0D*%0D*As to criticism in general here: If you read the single entry beneath my style.com submission and bear in mind that the very author of that %22critique%22 copied one of my other entries less than 24 hours afterwards, you know what discussions are worth here. That rip off was symptomatic of the prevailing general taste: The more ornament, the better.%0D*To each his own opinion, but being the most popular here doesn%60t make you a good (or in a member%60s own words %22world class%22) designer. It wouldn%60t be an issue if it weren%60t for those who constantly go drunk on their high number of votes.%0D*

barryconvex Dec. 08 '11

(Above meant for camisa15.)


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