Purple Truck

by Rokac • Uploaded: Nov. 22 '12 - Gallerized: Jan. '14


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Description: Little truck for a company that develops android applications.
As seen on: -
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 7405
Tags: rokac app android truck

Lets Discuss

ru_ferret Nov. 22 '12

Hi Rokac. Funny I thought about food delivery because I clearly see a bread in negative space.

Rokac Nov. 23 '12

Hey guys, thanks for the heads up. Hmm, maybe because of the colors...Back to work:)

milou Nov. 23 '12

Nikita has a point, looks good nonetheless Roko, looking forward to an update.

Rokac Nov. 23 '12

Now I see it! Loaf of bread in the windshield:) That\'s why I love you guys and your fresh eyes!
Cheers Milosz, always nice to hear from you!
Stay tuned for an update fellas.

Type08 Nov. 23 '12

No problem here at all: these guys make apps, people pay the for so they can bring bread home on the table ;)

logomotive Nov. 23 '12

I like it a lot very cute. Yeah would work great for a bakery delivery too. Maybe just make the windshield wipers more straight if it's an issue. Love the style though.

Rokac Nov. 23 '12

Haha Alen, love the way you think buddy!
Mike, appreciate the kind words! Straight wipers, sounds like a good idea, trying it for sure.
Initially I wanted the windshield to look like a phone screen(perhaps a bit cliche) and end up with a bread. Well if this little guy doesn\'t make it, I\'ll definitely pitch him into a bakery industry:)

Rokac Nov. 24 '12

Added variations(with straight wipers and without them). What do you think guys?

Hayes Image Nov. 24 '12

The wiper-less variation removes all trace of bread :) Is this sweet thing going to feature type?

Rokac Nov. 25 '12

Thanks a bunch Josh! Updated this little guy with some type.
Cheers again all of you for your input!:)

Rokac Dec. 04 '12

Thank you ladygrey, this one is almost approved:)


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