Inside me?

by actiondesigner • Uploaded: Apr. 24 '08


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Description: In progress
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 2122

Lets Discuss

gthobbs Apr. 24 '08

I like this simplified version better.

nido Apr. 25 '08

i love the concept!.. a suggestion would be to have the dot in 'me' as opposed to 'inside' .. simply because it would emphasis the whole thing a little more 'inside ME?'.. at the moment it says 'inside inside' although it doesnt.. does that make sense?.. maybe you can drop the dot into the cup of the 'e' in 'me'. But as i had stated.. this is very nice, simple %26 clever!

actiondesigner Apr. 28 '08

I was only focusing on the word %22inside%22 and kinda got stuck with that execution. But you have a good point nido, just as others also have mentioned. I will try to make this as logical as possible. Thanks for the feedback :-)

gthobbs Apr. 28 '08

Great...and obviously just so so...minds think alike nido. See my comment here:***

caspy Apr. 30 '08

very very good :) i like the idea, *I think it is much better with one dot inside :)*

actiondesigner May. 01 '08

@caspy*thanks a lot. We'll see how this turns up in the end

ndmgfx Oct. 19 '08

very nice , clever*


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