Action Designer Hanger Hole template

by actiondesigner • Uploaded: Apr. 24 '08


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Description: Frequently used:)
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 3409

Lets Discuss

shaneg Apr. 24 '08

Neat idea, but it's hard to read.

gstaltig Apr. 25 '08

is there actually something to read beside %22the action desinger%22 or is it just looking good?

actiondesigner Apr. 28 '08

@shaneg*I will post one without the logo. Not intended to be readable. Just something to print when/if I make this out in plastic. Could work as a mark with the logotype. **@gstaltig*I often make something typograpical ..this is purely something that I associate with actionfigure in general and could work as a mark. I have experimented this with type. If I pull it of it will look good. Even so ...the consept is there still.**Thanks for feedback guys

THEArtistT Sep. 17 '08

I love this quirky idea! Brilliant. Way to think outside the pet board!

THEArtistT Sep. 17 '08

I love this quirky idea! Brilliant. Way to think outside the peg board!


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