
by a2sjew • Uploaded: May. 12 '16 - Gallerized: May. '16


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Description: beauty room logo
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 5337
Tags: beauty lips eye

Lets Discuss

Hayes Image May. 13 '16

Not sure about the A, but everything else is tops!!!!

a2sjew May. 16 '16

Thanks Hayes Image, you're 100% right.

samdemastrie May. 16 '16

I agree with Josh. It almost doesn't read as an A because we aren't used to seeing A's like that. I like the idea of it being an upside down Y, but I'd try just doing a regular A, possibly without the crossbar. But besides that, I love the mark and it's connection to the type. Really interesting.

atomicvibe May. 26 '16

I'm with Josh and Sam, that upside-down-Y-as-an-A just doesn't work. Everything else is so perfect, but that just pushes it too far.

And by "so perfect," I mean, this is easily one of the coolest logos I've seen in a while. I love that perfect blending of iconography, and the split emanating from the Y is a nice touch.

atomicvibe May. 26 '16

Too bad the client didn't go for it.


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