
by Wizemark • Uploaded: Sep. 08 '09


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Description: Bell shape and lotus position. Simple, iconic mark good for any yoga related services (music, news, life, etc).
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 13869

Lets Discuss

Chad Sanderson Oct. 08 '09

This is just great. The image looks a little pixelly to me (It may just be pre-internet created computer) but I love it the incorporation of the bell and yoga position in one. Nice work.

Type08 Apr. 19 '10

Didn't do quite well here, but Lounge peeps love it! Gratz on setting trends Srdjane! :)

wizemark Apr. 19 '10

Probably cuz its description and the main purpose of creation. It was kinda vice versa.. :) Anyway, thanks, Alane :) and Chad, of course! %3B)

ethereal Apr. 19 '10

Congrats, Srdjane! :)

ZEDD790102519 Dec. 24 '21

Hi, I'm working on a charity website and the logo you made fits my website very well. I would like to get in touch with you


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