by Wizemark • Uploaded: Aug. 18 '10 - Gallerized: Aug. '10
Soverinn is a booking engine/online reservation system for hoteliers that run small, independent or boutique hotels. The term means (among the other things) freedom and liberty, hence Paul Revere illustration, symbolically presenting new, affordable and easy to use engine.
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Client work
Lets Discuss
Replywow mate
Replylove the concept and execution wize
ReplyThis is great!
ReplySuperb work Srdjan!
Replygreat style, srdjan.
Replyreally nice.. very unique style
Replylike it. nice work there!
ReplyAwesome detail, but still legible from far away!
ReplyThanks a lot for the positive comments and the gallery spot, guys.
ReplyReally awesome wizemark.
ReplyBeautiful one!
ReplyBlown away...yet again.
Reply%5EIt doesn't stop at logos. Have you seen his photography?
Reply%5E%5ESeriously, he has a knack for all things visual.
Reply%5E%5EYe, he%60s not around, so keep talking like that. Haha, thank you Mike, Alex, Sean, Roy and Joe! Appreciate it, fellas. :)
ReplySo cool man!!
Replyunusual and original execution.
ReplyOvo vise nije fora. Gdje se gasis Srdjane?:)*Samo sam htio reci da si za mene u top pet kreativaca ovdje na Pondu, a i sire. Strasan talent.*Awesome work buddy!
ReplyWow, Srdjan this is insane piece of art, damn. Really great!
Replyoh my god. i had no idea this is you! congrats Srdjan! you're getting even better.
ReplyThis one is just AWESOME!! Floated and faved!!
ReplyWow...I had know idea you did this sort of work.
ReplyExtreeemly good
ReplyAwesome, Srdjan, really, really nice!
ReplyLove the blue highlights!
ReplyGreat illustration!
Replyspectacular one ...i would like to see the details in closer look
Reply%5Eme too :)
ReplyAbsolutely awesome mate! : )
ReplyAwesome Is The Word!!!!!
ReplyJust marvelous, full of detail, strong colors and typography. I love it.
Replythis is totally stunning. well done mate
ReplyLove the feel on this Srdjan!!
ReplyYou%60re all very kind. Thanks for the comments.*@Roko Matori, hvala na komentaru! Cenim! :)*@Tony I don%60t know, man. I start playing with it, projects come in than when i get back to it, it seems that better concepts are waiting to be explored and so kinda tough.. :p*@alterego and Josh Once site is up, i%60ll def include those snaps as well. :)*
Replyvery very
ReplyBeautiful and powerful work Srdjan!
ReplyFantastic logo Srdjan. I love it!
ReplyOutstanding! This work adds a new type of pepper in your creative soup. I guess that the clients blown away with the realization.
ReplyCheers, guys!*@Jovan Thanks. Ye, he is pretty much satisfied with it. :)*@Alen yep, finally. Good feelin%60. :) There%60s few more waiting for a couple of floats to got in as well. Hope you had a great time on your vacation, bro.
ReplyVery nice! Excellent details and nice colours!
Replydamn good illu style you have.....:)
ReplyThanks a lot, guys..
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