Curious Minds

by VenetaR • Uploaded: Jun. 15 '12 - Gallerized: Jun. '12


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Description: The logo is for a children's psychology center that works with 5-10 year-olds to cultivate their natural creativity.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 13016
Tags: mind chick deer creativity

Lets Discuss

watermarker Jun. 15 '12

Sweet. Give us a B/W version!

Veneta R Jun. 15 '12

B&W - check :) Now the more I look at it, I'm not sure the chick's feet are ok. Perhaps a bit too short.

SamDeMastrie Jun. 15 '12

Cool concept. I think you could simplify both animals though, especially the bird.

effendy Jun. 15 '12

Great concept! I totally agreed with Sam.

Veneta R Jun. 16 '12

Thanks for the input guys. I think it's much better now :)

watermarker Jun. 16 '12

Yeah much better (but if you asked children, I'm sure, they would tell you the opposite)! The bird is sitting on the type, why isn't Bambi standing on it? (just a proposal) :)

watermarker Jun. 16 '12

Hem.. I see now, its not Bambi... it got some horns. :D

Veneta R Jun. 16 '12

Yep, Bambi is more of a deer, while this is an antelope.

The thing is even though the center is for kids, it's actually the parents who are the target. So it has to be something in the middle, appealing to both kids and adults.

itsgareth Jun. 16 '12

Lovely idea and well rationalised ^

logomotive Jun. 16 '12

^ I agree! It works well.

itsgareth Jun. 16 '12

One suggestion. Maybe ever so slightly rotate the bird's body anti-clockwise so that it looks more curious about the antelope too which might make it look less static. Either way, I love this, and I keep coming back to look at it :)

logomotive Jun. 16 '12

Good subtle suggestion.

logomotive Jun. 16 '12

And easier to do than the Antelope :)

alterego Jun. 16 '12

amazing concept here.

THEArtistT Jun. 16 '12

it's bloody perfect.

Veneta R Jun. 17 '12

Bird is now curious too 10x to Gareth :)
And the client seems to be leaning towards this as a final, so I really appreciate all your help!

@Mike: I wish all clients asked for such subtle and easy alterations instead of changing concept direction all the time :)

Antonio Cappucci Jun. 17 '12

Well done, cool concept.

Watermarker Jun. 18 '12

I don't want to be the bad boy here and the gallery entry (congrats!) implies, that I am wrong, but I think, that it still can be better. I don't understand - for example, why the antelope is floating, while the bird is not. I tried to see, if there is some perspectives, which may lead to a raised position of the antelope, but there is no.

I can imagine well, how the legs of the antelope would emerge from the word 'curious', maybe on the empty letters a bit of grass etc. Something, that lets the whole composition melt together.

Anyway... my daughter (6) said, its sooooo sweet. :)

Veneta R Jun. 18 '12

I actually tried that out when you suggested it, but it looked kind of busy, so I left it the way it is. The more clear space, the better, IMO :)

watermarker Jun. 18 '12

Alright... thanks for the answer! :)

logomotive Jun. 18 '12

I think it's fine. I just imagine or see the Antelope/Gazelle standing back a bit deeper almost as if your looking at it from a worms eye view.

THEArtistT Jun. 18 '12

agree with Mike. the gazelle gives the logo a little depth by not touching the text.

buroblauwbrug Jun. 20 '12

great balance in this one! very nice

ocularink Jun. 20 '12

That's how I saw it too, Mike. It's cool too how the dot on the i kind of looks like a pebble or a rock. Just adds to the scenery. Nice job with this!

patydelfin Jul. 09 '12

Endearing, simple and beautiful. Great job!

Josephine Jost Crous Nov. 08 '12

I love this, so cute and one of those unforgettable marks :)

rudy hurtado Nov. 19 '12

When a logo puts a smirk on my face, it means you have struck a chord, at least with me. Well done with this logo.

1Arts Dec. 02 '13

love your logo styles and typo!


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