Metro Sky I

by VR4Jen • Uploaded: Jul. 15 '08


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Description: Logo concept for new high-rise condominiums in downtown Los Angeles
Status: Student work
Viewed: 1791

Lets Discuss

KGB Jul. 16 '08

The O looks a bit too wide and the kerning needs another look. The mark could be one color too. very nice.

vr4jen Jul. 17 '08

%0D*Agreed with you on the O... damn I didn't even see that when I made it. Stands out pretty bad. %0D*Disagree with the mark comment, though. It's supposed to represent different shades of day/night :)

Type08 Jul. 25 '08

People voted more for the 3D logo but I like this one much much more... And I like the O, it looks like the towers squeezed it a bit! Keep the O!


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