Almost Famous

by Type08 • Uploaded: Dec. 02 '14 - Gallerized: Dec. '14


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Description: Project I was working on in 2013 for India-based (Hyderabad City) fast casual restaurant, which serves egg specialty as the main course on the menu with few bakery items like special cup cakes and a few beverages like special thick milkshakes. Concept: egg (yolk) splashed into a star shape with a highlight forming a smile = almost famous!
Status: Client work
Viewed: 7937
Tags: nutrition health yolk bakery

Lets Discuss

type and signs Dec. 02 '14

this is great toooo - love it, man !

ClimaxDesigns Dec. 02 '14

ha, you made a splash, but then yolked out ( or laid an egg ) lol

type08 Dec. 04 '14

Thank you Bernd and David, glad that it made you smile! :)

chanpion Dec. 04 '14

Is it me or does that yolk look like an underwater mine?

type08 Dec. 05 '14

LOOOL Norman! Yeah baby, and it just went off! ;)


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