
by Triptic • Uploaded: Sep. 28 '15


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Description: Logo design made for new dating site/app. Mark is a combination of "P" letter with simplified shape of water lily (very characteristic part of pond). • • • follow us on www.instagram.com/triptic.pl
As seen on: Pond
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4938
Tags: kiss internet www love

Lets Discuss

triptic Sep. 29 '15

well, my idea have very strong symbolism so i don't see a problem.

logoholik Sep. 29 '15

Yes, like at least a dozen similar attempts these past months here where community helped shape the pond icon. It just doesn't feel right sitting here. Search "logopond" and see...

ClimaxDesigns Sep. 29 '15

Theres one that looks exactly like this on behance and it was posted in logoholiks comment thread, triptic...

ClimaxDesigns Sep. 29 '15

And you basically copied logoholiks idea and sold it to your client... i have half a mind to band you from this site... Dude seriously you cant use this for your dating service, please remove immediately from your website.

lumavine Sep. 30 '15

David, I would be willing to give @Triptic the benefit of the doubt based on the quality of his overall portfolio, which is not just one or two uploads. Also, as it has been pointed out before, this idea is not too hard to arrive at independently. It really is unfortunate that the name and concept feel so uncomfortable especially on this website, but it's imaginable that he did what many others did also:

ClimaxDesigns Oct. 01 '15

hmmmmm ok, but come on independantly yeah maybe, but hes been on this site long enough to have seen the prospicience peice and logoholiks peices which the prosp one is linked on ... his portflio is good but this kinda calls his ethics into question.

' well, my idea have very strong symbolism so i don't see a problem. '
Yeah but once someone shows you an exact pixel for pixel dup of your stuff ... come on....


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