Cubique Software Solutions

by TheAdgency • Uploaded: Nov. 22 '07


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Description: Logo developed for Cubique Software Solutions (a new devision of Cubique Development). Status: released.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3310

Lets Discuss

Hamburg Nov. 22 '07

I prefer the one with the stairs, but this one is great too.

Yglo Nov. 22 '07

Looking like the Nintendo Gamecube logo.**What are the lines in the middle? Looks like a clock this way?

The Adgency Nov. 22 '07

Yes indeed, it's a clock there. The logo it's about delivering precise solutions right in time.

Hamburg Feb. 01 '08

Hello again,**can you tell me which software you used to create that cube? I am working on a similar project, but find it hard to create soft and shiny edges on a 3D-object. Any ideas on that one? Cheers!!


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