Woodstown Residential & Activity Centre

by TernaciousT • Uploaded: Dec. 05 '07 - Gallerized: Apr. '08


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Description: Logo for a seaside retreat for kids, usually from deprived backgrounds. Basic kids, sunny and seaside feel to it.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 7659

Lets Discuss

stevietime Dec. 05 '07

This is awesome. Very playfull %26 friendly. It has the perfect feel to it. Good stuff.

drewboy Dec. 05 '07

excellent use of type TT

TernaciousT Dec. 05 '07

Thanks all. Its just a quick logo not cool or edgy enough to blow any minds, thanks for taking the time and I appreciate all your comments.

influxes Dec. 06 '07

Super, Super cute! Caught my eye right away.

OcularInk Jan. 09 '08

Yea, this is charming. Nice work, TT. One quick thought. How does this look without the dot in the third 'o'?

TernaciousT Jan. 10 '08

Thanks Oc and everyone else. I had already taken out the dot in the third 'o' but hadn't made the change on logopond, so here it is. Cheers for all the positive feedback.

bartodell Apr. 29 '08

Love the rough appearance of this. Very unique appeal. Nice one.

fogra Apr. 29 '08

I always liked this logo. Fair play to ya Terry!

||chasen|| Apr. 29 '08

Tern, I LOVE this logo, honestly its so perfect for the client. Great work!

90degrees90 Apr. 29 '08

Good one! The waves look awkward to me - thought you could have created a looser style of wave, IMO.

neogrey Jul. 30 '08

very brave :) stands out from the crowd.


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