Killing May

by THEArtistT • Uploaded: Dec. 13 '13 - Gallerized: Feb. '14


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Description: proposed idea for a high school metal band. they love the logo as is, but I think it is still rough. if I ever get the spare time, I have a lot of tweaking I want to do to this. it's for my nephew's band and free, so that is why it is not at the top of my list.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3881
Tags: band metal killer knife

Lets Discuss

type and signs Dec. 29 '13

woahhhh ... always these metal bands ... looks good !!

THEArtistT Dec. 29 '13

Thanks! It is for my nephew's band. They love the logo as is, but I think it is still quite rough.

THEArtistT Jan. 14 '14

Thank you for the float, Dalibor!

Dalibass Feb. 18 '14

You are welcome Trish! :) Congrats on the gallery spot!! :)

THEArtistT Feb. 18 '14

wow, thanks! didn't see that coming. :)


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