Archer Fashion

by Supamario • Uploaded: Mar. 10 '16 - Gallerized: May. '16


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Description: a logo idea i came up with while i was bored at a clothing store
As seen on: N/A
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 5351
Tags: hanger fashion green bow and arrow

Lets Discuss

atomicvibe May. 26 '16

HA! Nice. Not digging the overly stylized O and N in that typeface, as they detract too much from the real star of the show (i.e., the cleverness of the visual punchline), but otherwise, really awesome idea.

Supamario May. 26 '16

see what you mean i like the o cause it all almost looks like a target, agreed that the n doesnt really fit ill see what i can do, thanks

ru_ferret May. 26 '16

Pretty good. I'm not too keen on the arrow though.

atomicvibe May. 27 '16

@Supermario, Yeah, I get your rationale about the O/target, but again, I think it's pushing things too far. All the cleverness and conceptualization is happening (and for this idea *should* be happening) in your icon, so the wordmark really should be taking a back seat.

Now, if your solution were purely typographic, then of course that O/target would make complete sense.

Supamario May. 27 '16

yes that makes sense i see what you mean by pushing too far, the concept along with the type is beating you over the head lol, thanks for your detailed critique. Ill see how i can modify the letters to fit better

StewartJameson May. 31 '16

Very cool idea of using it as a bow lol :D


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