Deep Sea

by Sternoskop • Uploaded: Aug. 12 '10


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Description: Part of a set of logos for children book editions about animals.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4621

Lets Discuss

jgarnerdesign Aug. 12 '10

I think this is adorable. *One thing I'd try though: Vary the height of each letter in the type slightly. That would give it a more playful and watery feel.*Do you have an alternate version with the type at the bottom?

janzabransky Aug. 12 '10

Beautyfull! Kids will like it.

OcularInk Aug. 12 '10

Yep, very kid friendly. Grabbed my attention right away.

milou Aug. 12 '10

I'm the next kid who liked it.

sternoskop Aug. 12 '10

Thanks guys :)*@ jgarnerdesign, nice idea regarding the letters. I'll try it, but the logos are already in use, so I'm not sure there's much room for changes. The other version of the logo is with the text on the right side of the logo mark. No version with text bellow.


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