Karin Stolk

by S.vanElderen • Uploaded: Jan. 18 '10 - Gallerized: Feb. '10


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Description: Proposal 01 on a new project for me: from a friend for a friend, and back. Karin is a grafic designer that will graduate this year and I did this logo for her as friend. Now she will return the favour.
As seen on: karinstolk.nl
Status: Client work
Viewed: 10783

Lets Discuss

nido Feb. 12 '10

very nice vanElderen... clean and stylish... (friend is spelt with an i before the e... dont mean to be condescending.. just being helpful... hope thats cool)...

S.vanElderen Feb. 12 '10

Lol, thanks nido... I must admit my English is a bit poor, so thanks for helping my out there! I'm so extatic on my first gallery entry. I hope there will be alot more to come.

mattaebersold Feb. 12 '10

Great looking mark. Colors are solid, and I like the line work.

nido Feb. 12 '10

it's %22helping *me* out there%22... nah im kiddin with you now... congrats on the feature and lets hope for many more indeed... are you from Holland?

S.vanElderen Feb. 12 '10

Yes I am, and omg I need to check my spelling more before posting xD thanks for the comments guys.

nitish.b Feb. 12 '10

the mark looks more like a fashion brand...IMO...but very interesting..:)

mcdseven Feb. 12 '10

looks very 80's! I like it though.

Petro Feb. 12 '10

I agree with nitish.b, it looks like fashion brend. Very nice %3B-)

S.vanElderen Feb. 12 '10

Don't know what to do with these comments yet, but i want to thank u all for the nice words

fusion_creative Mar. 04 '10

Hi Karen,*my personal favorite color in the world is hot pink. however, with that said, although your logo is beautiful at this size, a very basic rule to logo design is to stay away from thin lines - the reason being, when reduced, the line quality won't hold up. you might try less, but bolder directional lines.

S.vanElderen Mar. 04 '10

Lol, to be exact. I've printed this logo design 57 times on different thicknesses and different hight's. Also in the brand guideline I've made a rule that the logo can't be smallen then a certent percentage off a field it's printed on.


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