by S.vanElderen • Uploaded: Jul. 13 '10 - Gallerized: Jul. '10


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Description: A WIP for a costum interior designer. Monotone is up here to and the colors are based on materials
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 9233

Lets Discuss

JF Jul. 14 '10

Nice placement of mark w/type. Not only is it balanced (proprtional, proper) but the arrangement is eye-catching. Good work.

S.vanElderen Jul. 15 '10

Thanks Jf,*I was pooling for the right place, and i thinking that maybe I'm gonna center the mark and place the name on the same side and Hight

S.vanElderen Jul. 15 '10

Oh and thanks for all the floats :-)

logotivity Jul. 16 '10

well deserved floats, nice job..

helvetic brands Jul. 17 '10

I really like the design. If you haven't already tried, I would recommend reducing the amount of lines by 50%25 and increasing the contour weight 2 fold as it may give more stability to the design.

helvetic brands Jul. 17 '10

Seeing it in small, perhaps remove the white sections all together.

S.vanElderen Jul. 17 '10

thanks for the advice David :-) (if it's okay to call you by your first name), On this one I allready reduced the amount of lines and I was wondering if more was needed that's why I posted the WIP with comments allowed. Thanks, I will definitely check it.

S.vanElderen Aug. 09 '10

Prommised to update, I tried the 50%25 less stipes and here is the result. I'm staying with the old design.**%5Bimg%5Dhttp://farm5.static.flickr.com/4135/4876766578_fda0ff67ae.jpg%5B/img%5D


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