Serge Hollander

by S.vanElderen • Uploaded: Mar. 17 '11


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Description: Made for a frend of mine, He's study's interior architecture.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3247

Lets Discuss

marvin k. Mar. 17 '11

I like it! Not sure about the font, seems to old-fashioned to me for such a modern mark.

m1sternoname Mar. 17 '11

Inderdaad wat marvin zegt, symbool ziet er goed uit, weet niet of je de omlijning nodig hebt, maar zier er goed uit

S.vanElderen Mar. 18 '11

Yes, I was afraid the font would be to old, thkx for the comment. @m1ster, Die omlijning heb ik gemaakt omdat ik bang was dat het anders te fragiel zou worden. Back to the drawingboard again!

S.vanElderen Apr. 13 '11

I've been thinking about the serif / san serif font and I think that it empowers the work that my frend does.

LadyGrey Apr. 13 '11

This is very cool sign! I like it)

vergad Oct. 23 '11

that mark is awesome. really love the treatment and style. agree the type's not quite resolved yet, but gee mate i love that mark. well done.

S.vanElderen Dec. 10 '11

Thkx vergad... That really pleases me.


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