by S.vanElderen • Uploaded: Aug. 19 '10
Proposal for a high end clothing line.
Unused proposal
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Can u call this an ambigram? I love those %3C3
ReplyI particulary would try to make the %22s%22 bigger in relation to the rest of the mark, I would also try to go for a more rounded feeling for the mark. **Good job so far :)
ReplyI've tried the rounded feeling and that didn't work out with these shapes. I was more worried about the f hidden in the S then the the S itself. Thanks for the feedback, I'm going to have a night sleep on this one.
ReplySaw it over at that Dutch website, great work man. Better than mine :)
ReplyThkx for the floats and comments, I'm really sattisfied.. Client seems to think it's a bit over the top, so have to nuteralize it a bit... Still wondering how.
ReplyYou already know I like it %3B) What about reducing the amount of shapes, and making the ones who are left a little bit bigger? No Idea how that would look, just thinking.
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