
by Rod_Sawatsky • Uploaded: Jun. 05 '09


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Description: The idea is to convey the idea of making education more accessible. Renting instead of buying. Rainbow colors reflect the concept of imagination/learning. the dynamic movement of pages suggest the idea of something being used (in a positive sense).
Status: Client work
Viewed: 918

Lets Discuss

dotsdesign Jun. 17 '09

looks great, but the black line between the orange and red page is missing.

Rod_Sawatsky Jun. 18 '09

the black lines are intentionally intermittent in areas...lines are implied...i feel it makes the depiction less literal and more spontaneous, even abstracted a little. the black and whit only version has no color and just the black outlines that convey a sense of movement and blurred pages. that's the idea i'm going for anyway. thanks for the comment

Rod_Sawatsky Jun. 18 '09

the black lines are intentionally intermittent in areas...lines are implied...i feel it makes the depiction less literal and more spontaneous, even abstracted a little. the black and white only version has no color and just the black outlines that convey a sense of movement and blurred pages. that's the idea i'm going for anyway. thanks for the comment


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