by Rincon • Uploaded: Nov. 12 '09
we are less than a month to start the most beautiful season of the year ... I love Christmas
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I love Christmas too, you woke up my cosy reminiscences...%0D*And illustration is fantastic!
Replythanks Matto, great showcase as well
Replythis is good!
ReplyHey Anthony, what do you think of making the trunk a little longer. I don't want to point out the obvious but see what I mean?
Replysince it's a WIP I'm seeing 2 things here.
Replythanks adreiu, I%B4m glad you like it
ReplyLook in the thumb nails just trying to help you. looks like fire coming out a guys ass or his sticking tree in butt. OK there ya go take it or leave it.
Replynot bad the idea of making the trunk a little longer, probably this logo can improve a little more, thanks mike I%60ll do it as soon as I can
ReplyNot trying to be mean, just trying to point out what people will see. I know it's hard to take sometimes but I have had many remarks like this in my career and you just need to step back look at it in all perspectives. I don't want to ruin the moment just trying to show you what I see. Also maybe another angle might help out?? I love your concept and spirit going on here.
Replyjejejejeje,, I didn%B4t notice that detail, is another point of view that you posed, I will find the way to make it look different, thanks again mike
Replysorry, I'm just honest and hard to bit my tongue sometimes.
Replybelieve me I appreciate your suggestion, thanks to your years of experience can help us see things from all points of view and that is good for us who are starting this long path that you have walked on
Replylovely illustration mate
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