Pirate Bar

by OcularInk • Uploaded: Jan. 08 '09


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Description: Skull + Bar Glass
As seen on: For Sale
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 3988

Lets Discuss

graft Jan. 08 '09

Nice idea, but the typo could look better than that. How about a tynier font?

OcularInk Jan. 08 '09

Thanks Florin. The type is just a dummy text for now. I agree, there's probably a better solution. Cheers!

OcularInk Jan. 08 '09

Thanks Doug! Your comments and critiques are always welcome. Let me see what I can do. I still like the simplicity of this one. %3B-)

THEArtistT Jan. 08 '09

I would put the skull over the crossbones. The marks feels too tall and unbalanced.

LoGoBoom Jan. 08 '09

It's cool how you can see the glass completing the skull but also a skull behind the glass drinking.

kellyoneill Jan. 08 '09

Great idea Kevin. How about an eye patch on the skull - too much? I think eye patch when I think pirate.

LoGoBoom Jan. 08 '09

I think of dreamy Johnny Depp when I think of pirate. Oops...did I type that out loud?!?!

OcularInk Jan. 10 '09

Thanks Patrik, Alen, Trish, Glen, Kelly, and Doug. You guys don't miss a thing! I'll take all of your ideas into consideration. Cheers!


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