Tony Brown Enterprises

by OcularInk • Uploaded: Jun. 21 '07


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Description: Still in the black and white stages. Client specifics: Elegant, Timeless, Merging of Letters 't,b,e'.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 4389

Lets Discuss

dache Jun. 21 '07

Rather merging of letters 't,b,e'%3B no?*It is nice and clean but I read it as the word %22the%22.

Jeff Fisher LogoMotives Jun. 21 '07

At first glance, I also read it as 'the'...

OcularInk Jun. 21 '07

@ dache: You are right. Edited.**I was worried that people would initially read the merging as 'the'. Especially since it is such a common word. After playing around with this so much, this became the best solution. Oh well, we'll see what happens.**Thanks again!!

dache Jun. 21 '07

Perhaps in merging them without the hair line cuts will make it have more legibility

OcularInk Jun. 21 '07

I had one solution like that, but it just didn't feel dynamic enough. Oh well, I might have to go back to that solution. Thanks again, dache!!

muSCle Oct. 29 '07

Could you not just ask the client to consider changing the company name to %22The Tony Brown Enterprise%22 ? :0)**Problem solved and you have yourself a very ingenious logo.


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