by OcularInk • Uploaded: Jun. 21 '07
Still in the black and white stages. Client specifics: Elegant, Timeless, Merging of Letters 't,b,e'.
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Rather merging of letters 't,b,e'%3B no?*It is nice and clean but I read it as the word %22the%22.
ReplyAt first glance, I also read it as 'the'...
Reply@ dache: You are right. Edited.**I was worried that people would initially read the merging as 'the'. Especially since it is such a common word. After playing around with this so much, this became the best solution. Oh well, we'll see what happens.**Thanks again!!
ReplyPerhaps in merging them without the hair line cuts will make it have more legibility
ReplyI had one solution like that, but it just didn't feel dynamic enough. Oh well, I might have to go back to that solution. Thanks again, dache!!
ReplyCould you not just ask the client to consider changing the company name to %22The Tony Brown Enterprise%22 ? :0)**Problem solved and you have yourself a very ingenious logo.
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