The Perrito*

by Nolete • Uploaded: Feb. 20 '09


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Description: Silly clothesline brand.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3179

Lets Discuss

DaveHimself Feb. 22 '09

The great thing about this %22little dog%22 is that a black tee with this small logo on it would be their best seller. Very nice work.

gyui Feb. 22 '09

I really love the dog! just 2 things that i am curious about. what about getting rid of the rounded box? let the little guy run free! **and also, this one is really nitpicky, but i think you need a small stroke near the neck just to indicate the dog is looking back to his rear.

nolete Feb. 23 '09

It does work better without the box %26 stroke.... :-D*Run, little dog, run!**

gyui Feb. 23 '09

i'm digging the update, nice job nolete! :)


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