by Nitish • Uploaded: Dec. 27 '12 - Gallerized: Jan. '13


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Description: Winery
As seen on: www.maskon.net
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 6521

Lets Discuss

ColinTierney Dec. 28 '12

nitish this looks great man. i\'m lovin\' the different elements to make up the \'X\' in the mark. i\'m not quite sure what it is, but something funny is going on with the \'x\' and \'z\', or rather the left part of the type. i think it could be kerning and/or the arch that the type is sitting on isn\'t balanced and centered.

*now that i\'m looking at it further (squinting really), it looks like \'xzonifie\' is trailing off and falling over on the left part of the word.

nitish Dec. 30 '12

Hey Thx buddy...I am still working on the type. This is not the final.

qyper Jan. 03 '13

cool work mate. congratz for gallery


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