Lost Survival Gear

by Mikeymike • Uploaded: Feb. 12 '10 - Gallerized: Aug. '11


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Description: I was thinking of this idea for a heavy duty outdoor clothing line and other survival gear products. WIP copyright: mike bruner2/2010
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 5647

Lets Discuss

Mikeymike Feb. 12 '10

thanks joe! had this in my head awhile back, thought i would get it closer to what i was thinking.

andreiu Feb. 12 '10

great feel on this one!

Mikeymike Feb. 14 '10

thanx, anderiu and ethereal.*appreciate it!

Mikeymike May. 06 '10

Thanks, Jerron. Really like your Gallery.

Bernd Aug. 12 '11

splendid concept ... great execution ...

atomicvibe Aug. 12 '11

Yeah, this is really cool. Since it was uploaded, have you done any more work on this? Are you any closer to actualizing it as a business?

nathantrafford Aug. 12 '11

yeah man, this is neat. I want to see the letters connected a bit more, making them a bit more 'lost'. If there was a way to make all four letters out of one or two lines. If that doesn't work, i'd maybe get rid of a couple of the arrows on the 'o', making two of the corners bend, like they do in the corner of the 'L'.

Mikeymike Aug. 12 '11

WOW! just got back into a place to check my computer and saw this made gallery. Thanks.*And thanks for all the nice comments. and floats.*Bernd cheers.*Jon, the other guys I was dealing with on this project have placed this on hold for now. I have toyed with this a little but not much. Been busy on other projects. Hope something comes of it.*Nathan, see what your saying. I kind of like the fact its a tad busy and confusing, in a way, because I think the whole concept of %22lost%22 should be. I'll keep the one or two line approach in the back of my head though for sure. thanks for the comments.

hertzpectiv Aug. 12 '11

Cool! Wanna get this printed on a shirt and wear it on one of my hiking trips.

Mikeymike Aug. 12 '11

Well I hope this project gets to a finish so you can get ne of those shirts. :) But don't wear it and get lost, I'll feel like s%23%24t! :) kidding have fun.

Mikeymike Aug. 15 '11

Antonio, thank you sir for the compliment. cheers.

Mikeymike Jan. 10 '12

thanks, Julius. much appreciated.

Mikeymike Jan. 12 '12

Thanks, Amit. glad you like it!


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