by Mikeymike • Uploaded: Aug. 25 '10
WIP. for a ecofuel company.
Work in progress
Lets Discuss
Smart. It works.
Reply...N I C E . . .
ReplyVery nice! I Like it! But I think that the 3 dots on a %22nature%22 green are more appropriate to the concept of %22eco%22. Just my opinion...
Reply%5ERemember when this kind of 'stylisation' was the new swoosh...?**What I like about this is how relevant the approach actually is. Looking good :)
ReplyVery nicely done, great colors too.
ReplyWow that's neat!
Replythanks for the kind words.
ReplyClever idea, Mikey.
Replythanks, ocularlink.
ReplyThis is wonderfully executed.
Replythanks, epsilon.
ReplyKiller, Mike. Saw it in the thumbnail and thought, eh, another one of those concepts but seeing it up close and the concept around it, it's damn sweet, bro.
Replysweet :)
Replyvery very good Mikey!
ReplySean, thanks. I thought I gave it enough of a twist to bring it to life for this clients needs.*Kugelis and andreiu, thanks for the comments. means a lot.
Replyoh. great work there!
Replyoh, thank you, deiv. %3B)
Replywow looks fantastic!!
Replyoronoz, thanks, means a lot.
Replyits like it's dripping down my screen...
Replyit is. :)
ReplyLoving the style on this!
Replythanks,Michael. really apprciate it.
Replyjust found out this one was rejected. @%23%24%5E! thought this worked.*Oh well maybe can find another use for it somewhere.
ReplyFrom 2d to 3d%3B%5D looks good
ReplyThanks, Andrius . I was really hoping this one would have found a home. :) oh well.*take care.
ReplyThis is a bomb!!
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