by Mikeymike • Uploaded: Aug. 24 '10
mark for a female Doctor. make sense?
still working on type and colors.
Nothing set
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I read mcl... regardless, nice touch on the m, I think make the counter bigger, more round, just a fraction or close it of. On the m I see a heart and stethoscope, is that look you are going for?
Replyinteresting on the %22c and l%22. I will see if I can work on that one. Yeah nice catch on the heart and stethoscope. Although I played down the end of the scope because it was getting to much to keep in there. Mainly wanted the heart.But there is enough that someone caught it, nice Paul. thanks.
Replyas for the c and l, thats just me, other ponders might think different, looking at it again the serif/tail on the d is probably a little long... and thats what threw me, but wait for more feedback to see what others think?
ReplyYeah, I was going to wait and see if anyone else offered up a suggestion, but I did get the tail a bit longer line because I felt I needed to balance out the heavier lines happening on the %22M%22. thanks though, Paul, appreciate the feed back. nice to have fresh eyes take a look.
Replyyeah I hear ya brother. still its looking good regardless. good luck with it.
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