by Mikeymike • Uploaded: May. 24 '10
unused owl from another project.
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
Nice one Mike!
Replythanks, Michael.
Replykinda reminds me of the one mike (logomotive) did
Replyyup it also make me think of its of mike from thumb size..*but MIKE u also done nice job here..
ReplyLoving the owl!
ReplyLove it. He's got a great character and a nice shape
ReplyI'm curious how it will look without glow in the eyes (?), Maybe better (: Good job Mikey!
ReplyHey Mikey! nice owl.Don't take this the wrong way, but it feels as if you stretched this owl vertically. Sorry many think I'm just a complete jerk, But in truth I'm just honest in my critique.
ReplyThanks for all the nice comments. and the comments of thinking it looks like Logomotive's. its an honor to think mine is as good as Mike's. So i will take that as a compliment, for sure. I worked on this owl and a few more while working on my %22niteOwl%22 energy drink design.*I also had some owl ideas I haven't posted from a book idea I had from a while back. Plan to add those one of these days.**@ Mike (Logomotive) I would never think your suggestions are rude or out of line. they are your opinions and I appreciate you taking the time to say what you think and observe. I will never learn a thing If I don't don't get honest critique's. And I think you make a valid point. It does look as though I stretched it. :) i don't remember doing that, but I agree, the main body part looks too vertical. nice catch. thanks.
ReplyUPDATED. took some of the vertical look off. (nice call Mike) and I took one of the eye highlights off. Cleaned it up a bit thanks.
ReplyCool owl!! there's a brown point on the right wing stroke, at first i thought it was my screen, but i moved my screen around and it stayed in place :).
Replythanks javaap. I'll have to check that out.
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