MACAA Mid-America College Art Association

by MichaelNormanOlson • Uploaded: Jan. 18 '09


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Description: Final selected logo revision for the 2008 Biennial Conference hosted by Herron School of Art and Design. The central conference theme is Aggiornamento (uh-jawr-nuh-men-toh), which means "the act of bringing something up-to-date to meet current needs."
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Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3080

Lets Discuss

mr. m Jan. 18 '09

I like it. I'm not sure why, but the spacing seems of. Those a's that are circles with triangles are also used A LOT lately, but that's not to say they should'nt be used any more.

Michael Norman Olson Jan. 18 '09

Thanks for your feedback. The spacing irregularity is due mostly to the %22c.%22 Carl Jung probably has a thing or two to say about %22group think%22 with regard to convergence in Design. That said, I created these glyphs a long while back and felt their forms responded well to the project brief and theme of the conference. So I resurrected them as one of the comps (not my favorite) for the client. Of course, the client chose this one. It's partnered with a lowercase %22mid-america college art association%22 line of copy that resides under the %22m.%22 It helps to create a beautifully long line serving as a transition into the more contemporary/compact %22macaa.%22 However, that wouldn't fit well in Logopond's rather squarish template. :)

mr. m Jan. 18 '09

I think you're right about it being the C. And I wouldn't mind seeing it with the text under the M. When I first saw it, my first thought was that'd be a great place for some text.


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