Logopond Wordmark

by LumaVine • Uploaded: Jun. 02 '15


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Description: Another random idea. I think this color is much more ownable than the brown background. Thoughts?
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2934
Tags: green leaf logo brand pad lilly lily

Lets Discuss

ClimaxDesigns Jun. 02 '15

Hmm I wonder though, most showcase sites have muted colors because the designs are whats on display, not the site itself. adding bright colors to the the site may distract from whats really important, which is each users work.

Having said that, I really, like this, just get rid of the flower all together, I mean if you are going to change it, 'change it' right. let me upload a take on this

lumavine Aug. 03 '15

Yea I think that having a neutral color is important for the showcase area, but an ownable color for the branding is key in my opinion. Don't be afraid of color! A nice green really could bring the identity together. By the way, whats up with the redesign? I couldn't see some of the stuff lately. I am sure you are hard at work on it, and I am excited to see where it leads!


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