by LumaVine • Uploaded: May. 21 '13 - Gallerized: May. '13
IncLever creates custom business applications that enable teams to be more successful. These web applications allow the business to leverage data, tracking, logging, etc. to improve productivity and effectiveness. The idea behind the name is leverage for businesses (inc.). The client suggested that a negative space idea might be interesting.
This concept is a pie chart with a lever in the negative space.
The client thought this was too much emphasis on charts and graphs instead of a focus on software that enables business growth.
Unused proposal
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Intriguing concept Luma!
ReplyThanks so much effendy! It is always cool to find a fitting negative space concept, and even more so when the client asks for it ;)
ReplyUpdated type to emphasize the word Lever. Thanks for all the floats!
Replyclever bernd:-)
Replylol Bernd. I was confused too!
ReplyHaha! Being mistaken for Bernd is a great compliment, thanks! :D
ReplyOr maybe it's a typo of brand?
Either way, thanks so much for the kudos! Some other interesting concepts coming soon too! was a funny mistake. this happens when you work with more open windows on logopond ;)...and suddenly the phone rang:-)
Replyluma vine and type and signs i love yours portfolio:-))
Congrats Bernd ... great job, mate !!!!
ReplyThanks so much all!
ReplyExcellent solution Luma!
ReplyClever solution Luma!
ReplyCongratz on the feature :)
ReplyI've been checking your work for a long time. You never let me down. Great work.
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