by Logomotive • Uploaded: Mar. 13 '09
IMA MAN playing with letters.
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
It'll grow on you.
ReplyHa ! Had to look twice though :-)**%22I'm a man%22 would've worked as a name too.
Reply%5E Yeah, the apostrophe could represent a pipe or something %3B)
ReplyThe style of this font reminded me on MAN Trucks from Germany... *
Replyor MAN AM I, guess any combination works to support the concept. I like your Idea Fogra.Thanks men.
ReplyOK OR IM MAN, whatever floats your boat.
Replythat song committed by Berlin (Sex) rings in my head.
Reply%5ENever heard it but just googled it and listened, yeah I can see that.
ReplyU D MAN
Reply%5E%5EThanks MAN.
ReplyU R GUY
ReplyLOL nima.*Kirby huh?
ReplyYes, you are! Excellent ideas.
ReplyI* M* MAN*Not a Robot! :)
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