by Logomotive • Uploaded: Nov. 16 '08 - Gallerized: Nov. '08
I was so facinated with Roy's Fortuna fish I tried a similar concept. Just for fun. Roy's Tuna Fish is a classic, thanks for your inspiration Roy.
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Lets Discuss
Ssssssssssssmoken'. When done right, gradents can really pop. I like the neg. space too. How did you do the yellowish hi-lights? I'd like to see a close-up of the snake if possible :).
Replywow, great mark logomotive!:)
ReplyThanks guys, yeah joder, I'll try to upload just the Snake. Just gradients working for one to another that's all.
Replyjoder, I really appreciate the fact the you noticed the negative space also.
Replymike, please write a logomotive's gradient style tutorial for us...*it looks nice and shiny and glossy :)
Replythis has nice depth to it
ReplyI would like that tutorial...
Replytop notch
Reply%5EThanks guys, One of these days..... I will do a blog or update my site and have a couple of tutorials, before hell freezes over %3B-)
ReplyNice to inspire OB1 %3B)
Replybeautiful execution
ReplyCan't believe I forgot to comment on this. Beautiful snake. Excellent rendering.
ReplyYour skills never cease to amaze me!
ReplyIt is gorgeous. I see you've done several snake logos (including an odd toad). Herpetologist maybe?
Replythe shading is top notch--really leaps off the screen. i like the type as well and its in perfect proportion to the mark
Reply%5E LOL yeah sounds kind of bad, learned something new today the word %22Herpetologist%22. Thanksssssssss guys glad you like!
ReplyGreat work...
Replyyeah , never fails to amaze
ReplyVery sexy hot %3BD
ReplyAwesome color usage and an excellent flow. Well done!
ReplyThanksssss guys:-)
Reply*Yup negitive space is a often overlooked tool in the tool box. Love the mate-up of the mark to the shape of the %22S%22 too.
ReplyCongrats! really cool logo!
Replyjoder, thanks for noticing.*gorz, thanks glad you like it.
ReplyWoah! I think I must be going blind! I totally missed this, really impressive.
ReplyGreat design logomotive! Sent an e-mail to the address from your website, is it a current one?
Reply%5E thanks gareth, you've been pretty impressive yourself lately :-)*andyb, sorry have not seen it email is*
ReplyIncredible :) I must say at first I miss judged you :p The first thing I saw from you was your homepage, your work is something else.*what's with that negative space your talking about? Can't see it(off course).
Replyas if jump out from the display. excellent work!!
Reply%5E%5E Thanks.*jonvic, just the equal balanced spacing issue, that's all.
ReplyOk, I see, it's a nice detail :)*I love it but there's something bugging me...*...maybe it's envy :p
ReplyIf it's possible, I think uhm... I'm in love with this logo. It is so tight.
ReplyOh man, your snake is so cool. Love how symmetrical it is. Nice 3d effects.
ReplyThis is the best !!!
ReplyA very good throwback to the nineties. Will be one of those timeless logos that will stick with a company for decades. Congratulations!
Replyman this is so nice... im actually jealous!
ReplyThis is tip of the iceberg of logo design. One of my top favorites of all time. I am fascinated watching this. Its still like a bath for my eyes :-)
ReplyThanks guys, but I'm so sorry to inform you but this is sooooo fake. I made it up. My acrylic paintings are also made up and I will have to tell my clients both who want to buy my paintings and or logos that they are fake and not for real. These are just optical illusions a figment of your imagination. If I had a REAl client not sure I can be creative enough to solve your problem. Sorry but this is just fake stuff.
Replya fake!!!... oh well.. thats just killed it!.. kernings well off too.. now you mention it!
Reply%5E yeah! want your vote back %3D)
Replythats awsome great job !
Replynow this is fake...
ReplyThose dogs!!
ReplyWhat now? the site is not working? what was it linked to?
ReplyFWIW, Crowdspring removed the stolen logo and will not sell. One win for us... Yeah.
ReplyVery nice.%0D*
Reply%5ETHAT is about the rudest thing I have seen done. AT least give some background or link on this design. You take a full space image yet give no background. WHERE did this come from?, who did it come from?, and when did they do it. While this is a bit different not sure that's suppose to be a snake or what but please have a little courtesy when posting. RUDE.
Reply%22Where%22 is an easy question:*(you simply view the image properties), I don%B4t know about the others.
ReplyAh .. Logomaid .. I see they haven't learnt much from their %22Simple Bits f*ckup%22:
Reply%22Here I fixed it, Alex :)%22:
Reply%25@logomotive- first of all, I wasn't disrespecting you with my previous post. I was going to leave a note to inform you of what I found on the web but I had to step away from my pc really quick last night. I wasn't insinuating that you ripped this design. Actually I meant to say that YOU got ripped. Relax're still THE logo-branding god:-)%25
Replyfishinapond, Ok but just so you understand where I'm coming from. This particular design was blantantly ripped and tried being sold on crowdspring as a winning entry, I have battled this for a few months. Hey if someone did something like this concept prior to me I'm the first to admit and remove and it has happened before.
Reply**yet another rip off.
ReplyTHANKS!! Sandhya. I could make some good money on this one with a good lawyer.
Replyanytime. goodluck!
ReplyDuuuuuuuude, Sangam Cinemas? Its not even a design that looks %22close%22 and is an obvious ripoff%3B this is a verbatim copy. Sorry to see this dude, I guess it comes with being one of the greats. I'd start cinema face punching, lol. They'd be like, %22oww my faaaace, here's ur logo back sorry%22.
ReplyWhat does this have to do with Cinemas anyhow? Geez! Pay up people and you can have it.
ReplyTotal rip off Mike, they did'nt even bother to change it. So wish we could gather a posse and do some linchin's
ReplyIt's a popular one....
ReplyBoy I guess 11K views just here. No wonder.
Reply LOL look at the negative space.
ReplyHave you contacted them already or do I have to phone my Sicilian connections?
Reply@Jared, yes on the first question. And perhaps on the second :) No response so far and I'm a very impatient person.
ReplyThe design agency that Sangam hired probably ripped it from here is what I hear.
ReplySandhya, Well they have not responded, so I might have to do some digging here. Thanks.
ReplyHey mike! is this the link to your website???? because if this is it.. im really freaking out! :o
ReplyI did complain to them about the fake logo to crowdsprung... and they responded.. i can forward you that mail mike... but before that better check what happened to your website
ReplyIt reminds me of
ReplyHoly cow doodlecow, thanks some lame duck hijacked my site. Thanks.
Replyit%60s in the club now.
ReplyThanks wizemark, but what club?
ReplyI think Srdjan is referring to Club 100're on the VIP list already though so don't worry about it.
ReplyJoe, OH I thought I was in some special snake club or something. I'm on a VIP list? Not what they say when I try to get into those clubs :)
ReplyHaha :)
ReplyI like this design, but would like to tweak it for my Christian ministry I am starting (savingsinnersministries). Do you mind?
ReplyJust curious, smartinez, are you asking to use it for free?
Reply%5E me too :)
Reply%5E LOL well kinda sorta Ha ha
ReplyThe Irony in that.
ReplyAlas.. it seems the pond has been infiltrated by spam douchebags posting thinly veiled attempts to rank with google.
Replyso far its good, but i found a similar concept like this here in the net but i forgot the URL of that
Reply%5E I'm sure you did.:)
Reply%5EThanks, No this was just vector here. Just using gradients.
Replygreat sign ... nice type!
ReplyThe colour works really well, congrats.
ReplyBelated Thanks and Freddy.
ReplyMeant TAS and Freddy.
ReplyI am interested to buy this logo if its not already sold. Please contact me at
Sorry Totalsid, it is Sold. But thanks for asking.
Replyalso seen on
Yes It is,.. they Stole it a few years ago. Notice how they had to use the same color scheme. This one has been ripped quite a few times.
Replyexcellent looking logo
ReplyI would be proud to use this logo on my business.
Reply@RobertGoldring So have many others, without my permission. :(
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