E3 v2

by Logomotive • Uploaded: Jan. 17 '08


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Description: I was asked by a design firm to create just an E3 or e three mark. In this design I used the same shape to create the E and 3. This one was a bit too modern for the requirement ( they were looking for more classic) but thought I would add it here for inspiration, Might help someone working with E's 3's or B's or just make something click.I had a lot of fun doing these.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3408

Lets Discuss

alto Jan. 17 '08

Very cool. Thought Dache had changed his color scheme :)*

KGB Jan. 18 '08

I'm not sure if that was a compliment or not.

logomotive Jan. 18 '08

@ KGB, LOL yeah who knows? maybe it's the style of the logo does kinda look dachish I guess. As far as color well just being different with that.

admarcbart Jan. 18 '08

LMFAO! I have to clean my monitor now that Dr Pepper is all over it! Thanks Alto!

logomotive Jan. 18 '08

...scratching head?*

FUTY Jan. 18 '08

Nice shape, weird colours : ) I like the E3 shapes.

logomotive Jan. 18 '08

Thanks guess I was in a weird mood, they are actually complimenting colors to each other. I liked the uniqueness.

nido Jan. 18 '08

you have mastered the swiss style!.. %3B-)

logomotive Jan. 18 '08

But I'm american/swede :-)

FUTY Jan. 18 '08

It is unique and to be honest I start to like the colours ! : )

nido Jan. 18 '08

LOL... so now we're talking three different countries... anyone for a Indian?

CAQ Oct. 22 '08

The colours are in deed weird, but that was what caught my attention. First I thought they vibrated, but as time went by, I started liking combination.


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