by Logomotive • Uploaded: Oct. 05 '13 - Gallerized: Oct. '13


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Description: Client took money back. So project was never completed..
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 8414
Tags: Gear Logo Fox Green

Lets Discuss

Type and signs Oct. 06 '13

Ola ... looks so great, mate !

logomotive Oct. 06 '13

Thanks Ein and TAS. Think I'm going to finish it just for my satisfaction. :)

ocularink Oct. 11 '13

I hope you kept the deposit.

logomotive Oct. 11 '13

^Negative PAYPAL sucks! They and she both screwed me over. Don;t do any work of GREEN FOX GEAR people.

graphicidentity Oct. 14 '13

It's a well done work! Jeff.

Sorry to hear about the negative stuffs.
This client was also contacting me for the work quotation but she didn't respond me back.

One of my friend experienced the similar thing as his client made a refund of the sent down payment via PayPal. But he against his client trough PayPal dispute and won the case after showing his email thread between him and his client and screenshots to support his argument where in this case he deserved the no-refund down-payment.

I guess we all must have put a note on PayPal invoice which states that all of the amount of down-payment is not refundable whenever the proposal drafts have been submitted.

logomotive Oct. 14 '13

I think people do this to stir it up??? do you all agree?

graphicidentity Oct. 14 '13

aha, let me revised my comment:
It's a good job Mike ;)

you know, bad clients sometimes just wanted to take a peep on your design concept for free. Lets not make things easier for them!

logomotive Oct. 14 '13

It's Ok I'm a bit touchy about the mix up of logomotive thing is all. amongst 'other' Logomotive stuff these days. That's all. I will say it again! and you can google it. October 1998 was created and ranks first under the name.

graphicidentity Oct. 14 '13

sorry again mate, as I should have checked your Logopond profile before I popped in with comments :)
Now and then I'll keep that in mind.

You have a great web portfolio there!

logomotive Oct. 14 '13

NP! Thanks for your kind comments.

THEArtistT Oct. 14 '13

I send out a terms, conditions and overview of services email that the client has to agree to in writing before I'll take any money or do any design. It stipulates that the half up front in NON-REFUNDABLE. It has been working pretty good so far. A couple of clients were scared off, but I figure that is probably for the best.

logomotive Oct. 14 '13

But that ain't how life works sometimes. been doing this for a while, every now and again you get screwed by the system,.. kinda of like the way Liberals are a doing things these days days.

THEArtistT Oct. 15 '13

oh please don't bring politics into this. this is my politics free zone. I get bashed enough on FB and by my own family already.

of course no system is perfect. people will always try to get something for nothing. but the Terms, Conditions and Services Overview email helps me prove they made a binding agreement so they can't just try and take their money back. it's simply protection for both the client and myself.

ClimaxDesigns Oct. 15 '13

Yeah Mike, lets lock up everyone that has a different belief system or thought process than you (you as in political terms not you Mike) and the world will be a better place right :)

I couldn't resist giving him sh%t Trisha :P

Hes right about life not working like that, had a client recently started out good, signed all contracts, was pleased with the work etc. suddenly they had financial struggles and all of a sudden the work we were doing was horrible (only in the sense that it was about time to pay the balance and they needed to stall us)

Then all lines of communication shut down for 9 months after the project was completed on our side... they eventually paid us, but obviously we are suspect of working with them again. And yes you read right, we are leaving the door open to working with them again (with possible full payment up front being a modifier) because its scarce out here in this economy, cant be too picky these days.

logomotive Oct. 15 '13

CD, Trish knows my lil, 'comment' was a fun poke ;)

ocularink Nov. 06 '13

I handle the process more like Trish. It clearly states in my contract that the deposit secures the project and is non-refundable. Typically if a client is going to back out, it's after the first cycle has been delivered. And at that point, the bulk of the work (research, sketching and implementing the first cycle into Illustrator) has been completed. This definitely helps ween out clients you don't want to deal with. Sorry it had to happen to you, Mike. That royally sucks.

tabithakristen Nov. 06 '13

After reading your comment, I feel like my contract needs a little revising. Sigh. I should just look for one online that covers everything haha


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