by Logomotive • Uploaded: Jun. 19 '12


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Description: Stop and Go Logo.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 3751

Lets Discuss

durand Jun. 19 '12

That's a neat idea, for a transit company or something?

logomotive Jun. 19 '12

Thanks Durand,nice to hear you see the G O also though.

Hayes Image Jun. 19 '12

Well it doesn't get much more minimal than this, keep it GO-ing Mike :)

designerdan Jun. 19 '12

Interesting, but the "GO" doesn't make sense. One could say the O is a backwards C.

THEArtistT Jun. 19 '12

have you thought about flipping horizontally? it may still read since the arrow goes to the stop sign first. then your green sign will definitely look like a G. it would also spell GO. just a thought.

logomotive Jun. 19 '12

Haven't you ever stopped at a Stop sign and turned right?

onesummer Jun. 20 '12

@logomotive. Mike, I don't know.. Aren't you afraid of alienating people who prefer to turn left, or go straight!?

LOL, kidding of course. The simplicity of this is so smart; so easy to remember and understand. What's it for? I could see it working great as a convenient store/gas station.

Probably not worth it, but have you toyed with a negative space ampersand between the signs somehow?

logomotive Jun. 20 '12

@ onesummer. Paul, I'm right winged and Yes I am straight :)
ampersand might be too much, just a simple idea.

logomotive Jun. 20 '12

BUT with that being said. We need BOTH Wings to FLY!

Type and Signs Jun. 24 '12

man, man, man ... so simple, so clever, so .....


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