by LogoBoom • Uploaded: Mar. 02 '08 - Gallerized: Mar. '08
Cajun restaurant and bar
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
Very strong %26 eye catching. Congrats!
ReplyThanks guys. Seeing it here the black neg space around the T is really jumpin' out. Might need to play with the Y location a bit.
Replyhaha, i dig.
ReplySWEET! I love it reminds me of BBQ. Hmmm....
ReplyMakes me think this logo belongs to a porno with unclean people. The %22O%22 kinda looks like a crotch shot. I don't normally think like that but this was my first impression.
ReplyWow. Ok.
ReplyVery Eye-Catching.
Replydifferent logo. very beautiful
ReplyWow, as other have said this really caught my eye as well. Colors, bold font, use of shapes... great work!
Replyvery nice I like it ,very beatifull
ReplyMuch appreciated guys!
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Replyuh yeah ok sure
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ReplyDavid, any way to delete this spam from this post?
Replyuh yeah ok sure*%3Ca href%3D%22 title%3D%22medyum%22 target%3D%22_blank%22%3EMedyum%3C/a%3E*%3Ca href%3D%22 title%3D%22SoFutma B%FCy%FCs%FC%22 target%3D%22_blank%22%3ESoFutma B%FCy%FCs%FC%3C/a%3E*%3Ca href%3D%22 title%3D%22Ayırma B%FCy%FCs%FC%22 target%3D%22_blank%22%3EAyırma B%FCy%FCs%FC%3C/a%3E*%3Ca href%3D%22 title%3D%22Muhabbet B%FCy%FCs%FC%22 target%3D%22_blank%22%3EMuhabbet B%FCy%FCs%FC%3C/a%3E*%3Ca href%3D%22 title%3D%22Muhabbet B%FCy%FCs%FC%22 target%3D%22_blank%22%3EMuhabbet B%FCy%FCs%FC%3C/a%3E*%3Ca href%3D%22 title%3D%22Kara B%FCy%FC%22 target%3D%22_blank%22%3EKara B%FCy%FC%3C/a%3E*%3Ca href%3D%22 title%3D%22B%FCy%FCler%22 target%3D%22_blank%22%3EB%FCy%FCler%3C/a%3E*
Replyhmmm...wonder if the restaurant attracts as many freaks.
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