Eastwood Printing

by LogoBoom • Uploaded: Mar. 02 '08 - Gallerized: Mar. '08


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Description: Logo for a printer
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4881

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Mar. 02 '08

Very clever. The center bar on the E seems a little awkward, but this is still nice. Also, the layout feels somewhat forced. Perhaps the concept is strong enough to allow for a more standard layout? Just some food for thought. :-)

gthobbs Mar. 02 '08

Cool. Thanks for checking out all of my latest posts. I love the feedback.

OcularInk Mar. 02 '08

Your work is inspiring. Anytime.

chanpion Mar. 02 '08

I miss these sort of logos. Fantastic concept there gt. Like Doc Oc said, this could be classic enough for a standard layout. Great work pal.

gthobbs Mar. 02 '08

@ chanpion: I miss these sort of logos too :-) I guess there's still something about that old school simplicity that I can't (and won't) ever let go of.

Riase Mar. 03 '08

The icon is brilliant – clean and immediate. The positioning of the font at its corner is also very nice. Perhaps the type itself could use some attention to fine tune it – the size and the kerning might be slightly off. Maybe it would balance better if it was brought down onto two lines for example? Otherwise I like it a lot.

gthobbs Mar. 03 '08

Thanks riase. it's worth some exploration.

TKhoury Nov. 09 '08

very nice gthobbs

siah-design Dec. 03 '09

Ahh... Thanks for the link. I thought I may have seen it before. I deleted the other one and won't present it to the client. Great job on this one :D** Is the branding industry getting more and more difficult as a lot of ideas are running out? At least the minimalistic concepts?

logoboom Dec. 03 '09

as the old saying goes %22there's nothing new under the sun%22


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