by LogoBoom • Uploaded: Jan. 01 '09
For print shop that specializes in map printing.
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hi, look at my logo iinternational punto grafico cymk and think about your idea for this logo eastwood.*wich is the best idea? i'm not a %22Designer%22 i'm an art director and i work in communication not in design. I know every rules about graphic but i want to go to the next level of communication and mark communication.... i want to discover a new way to make communication. Make me respect designer without eyes and look at your ancient logos without ideas....
ReplyI think what you're saying is that my logo is ancient and has no concept to it while your logo is much better:****Thereby confirming your statement that you are not a %22designer%22.**The concept here is a simple one taking a traditional print registration mark and adding a small pointer to the east making it resemble a map rosette. *
ReplyP.S. As the description reads, they specialize in MAP printing. So from a COMMUNICATION stand point, this logo made marketing sense.
ReplyI'm not entirely sure what Federico means but I like this, Glen, the colours work well with each other
Replythanks eziemac
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