
by LloydCreative • Uploaded: Nov. 10 '11


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Description: Logo concept for company that specialises in the development of client's smart phone app concepts into reality.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4591

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watermarker Nov. 10 '11

Hey, that reminds me to one of my own, unused proposals:*My client rejected it, because 'it is being used too often', as he said. Guess, he was right! :D

BigAl67 Nov. 10 '11

Thanks for looking in Watermarker. I guess the truth is there's not much new under the sun... and I'd be kidding myself if I thought I was the only person who used thought bubble symbology to represent the creation of new ideas and concepts. And yep, you could probably pick a million ideas out there that use similar ideas to one another. I guess the thing about this one was that it ticked all the right boxes for my client - and was the one they chose out of numerous initial ideas. The one icon managed to convey the idea of smart phones, app icons, the letter 'b' formed out of app squares and the quintessential thought bubbles for idea creation... teamed with tweaked, customised type. Happy client was the end result - which ultimately is what we are in business for.


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