Fall Creek Family Dental

by KGB • Uploaded: Aug. 16 '07


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Description: logo for dental office
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4177

Lets Discuss

KGB Aug. 16 '07

does anyone like this? Come on, we've got to do better at the sink/float thing.

OcularInk Aug. 16 '07

What up, Brian?! Is this affiliated with the Perfect Smiles logo? The colors are very close? Also, this doesn't feel very inviting. It feels very cold. I think you are far more brilliant than what this logo conveys. What about using some burnt oranges, dark reds, and rich browns? Also, is there any way to pull in the 'creek' aspect as a potential concept? Creeks give off a very relaxed feeling...something I'm sure Fall Creek's potential clients want to feel when visiting the dentist. Maybe some sort of creek/tooth combo, or creek/dental floss combo. I'm just typing away...

KGB Aug. 16 '07

It isn't related. The client didn't use the Perfect Smiles mark. I liked the feel of it, so I did this one in the same style.*Fall Creek is the township the office is located. It's not really near a creek. I also try to stay away from any color that might resemble blood or stuff like that. The dots in this logo relate to the number of teeth a person has. The large tooth makes it quickly identifiable. I appreciate you remarks though. I think the brown in the final mark is richer and the blue gives it a calming effect.

logomotive Aug. 16 '07

KGB, it's a bit faint if you ask me. I've seen better work from you. I don't sink logos only approve the ones I feel are above sea level. This one is just floating to me.

elementdw Nov. 12 '07

I agree with OcularInk, when I saw the logo, I thought this is too generic. You see some form of a tooth in almost every dentist logo. Even though the office isn't near a creek, the remarks about it being a calming feeling and relating to the name of the township I think it could have been a better concept. But hey if the client liked it, more power to you! Cheers.


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