Sixceed Inc.

by JippyRinaldi • Uploaded: Jul. 29 '10


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Description: Alternative custom logotype.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3375

Lets Discuss

brandclay Jul. 29 '10

great logotype, seriously.

Jippy Rinaldi Jul. 29 '10

Thank you brandclay :)

dotflo Jul. 29 '10

very nice type, maybe have a little more contrast with a tad darker background or something

dotflo Jul. 29 '10

my vote goes here btw:)

Jippy Rinaldi Jul. 30 '10

Thank you dotflo. You might right, im working more color scheme.. Thanks for you input, appreciated!!

myway999 Jul. 30 '10

great work, mate. Though, i think that you can work on the 'd' a bit, just make it more d:)*also the TM color and the background - make these darker or another shade.*nice shapes and treatment.

adambomb Aug. 03 '10

I really like both versions. The feel of this one is awesome, but I love the way the first three letters in the other one interact. Doing that with this weight would look rad.**I think I agree with myway999 on the 'd', too. Right now, the loop is larger than the bowl of the 'd', which is a bit strange. And the low ascender height accentuates that even more

Jippy Rinaldi Aug. 04 '10

@ claude, nitish, adam thanks for your comment, very appreciate it. I did some refinement from your input. thanks alot guys..

adambomb Aug. 04 '10

That definitely looks better. Nice work!

mcdseven Aug. 13 '10

great flow to this. I like it a lot.


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