by JedahDoma • Uploaded: Aug. 23 '17
This is the brand identity for Rocket Lawnchair. As the brand is centered around gaming, I based the name off the phonetic translation of the phrase “rocket launcher” as mispronounced in the video game Metal Slug 2 as "Rocket Lawnchair".
The logo began with the creation of the 'R' logo bug. This was of paramount importance as it would not only be the basis from which the full logo type would derive from, but an important brand identity I wanted to be instantly recognizable. The 'R' combines the letter form with implied elements of a lawn chair. The counter is formed in the shape of a flame to imply a rocket like motion. A slant was added to further drive visual momentum from right to left. From there the rest of the letters were crafted by hand to create an unique individual logotype which took visual cues from the original logo bug.
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Client work
Rocket Lawnchair
video games
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