Brik Creative

by JedahDoma • Uploaded: Jan. 17 '11


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Description: Logo idea for our design firm 'Brik Creative'. The brick is designed in such a way to give the implied letter forms 'B' and 'C'. This is a work in progress, so any critiques or opinions are welcome. Thanks! 1-29-10: Uploaded logo with small changes.
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Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 3866
Tags: Blocks Bricks Brick

Lets Discuss

raja Jan. 19 '11

this is looking solid**although the 'b' and 'c' implication will be lost on everyone, it doesn't hurt to have it there for story telling. I think it's a clever novelty -- not a requirement -- that should keep it's distance from effecting the overall impact of the logo - good for a design firm.**since you have asked for opinions - i think dropping 'creative' from the logo will give your name some more weight while looking lighter

Jedah Doma Jan. 19 '11

@raja- Thank you for the comments! I have seen a lot of your work in Logo Lounge, I've worked with Bill Gardner from time to time, and I'm fan of your logo design. **I went back and implemented the idea you put forth. I wasn't sure if I would like it, but I found the logo opens up. It becomes more of a simplified mark and less of an embodiment of the entire name.

Jedah Doma Jan. 19 '11

For those curious about the name Brik Creative, it's a mixture of two names. BRIan %26 eRIK. The first three letters of my name and the last three letters of my friend's name mixed together to make BRIK (with RI being similar in both).

raja Jan. 20 '11

Thanks Jedah**I think it looks stronger now - even cropped in your avatar.****

Noetic Brands Jan. 20 '11

nice. Not sure if that line needs to be pointed or flat but it looks very neat!

nitish.b Jan. 26 '11

cool work on this one, Jedah. Congrats...:)

wiking Aug. 10 '12

This one would look cool on a t-shirt.


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