
by JayKay • Uploaded: Feb. 09 '08 - Gallerized: Feb. '08


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Description: Wine web site. Contest Entry.
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Lets Discuss

chanpion Feb. 09 '08

Beautiful work Jay. Although, with the wine glass protruding on the left has made the 'tag' abit off centred. Maybe make the 'tag' abit more prominent. Love the type, love the colour, love red wine. Cheers.

JayKay Feb. 09 '08

Thanks Chanpion and you are right. I've made the tag a bit bigger which has hopefully helped!**Cheers! :-)

firebrand Feb. 09 '08

Quites classy. Nice colours too. As an alternative to wine 'swishing' in the glass you could be a couple of bubbles on on the surface of the wine. Just a thought.

Hayes Image Feb. 09 '08

It's a fantastic mark Jay, my only crit (which just could be my screen) is I have to almost squint to see those flourishes be the tagline, could they be a little stronger perhaps?**But as I said, great work :)

JayKay Feb. 09 '08

Thanks Guys.**Firebrand%3B that's not a bad idea, I'll have a play... do you not think that might suggest a fizzy drink though?**With the swishing I wanted to symbolise the tradition of releasing the aroma from the wine before tasting it, as we all know the smell of the wine is a very important factor and one which accompanies the whole wine drinking experience. What I'm trying to say is that there is more to it than taste - this is the whole deal here! Hope that makes sense..

firebrand Feb. 09 '08

Hmm that's a possibility but wine ad campaigns often have a couple of bubbles on the surface line but in this logo they'd probably be too small anyway. I see where you're coming from with the swishing, makes perfect sense.

andersonmarques Feb. 10 '08

Great colors nice solution

onesummer Feb. 11 '08

i prefer the swishing over bubbles. you tend to see more bubbles in most logos dealing with beverages. good job!

Respiro Feb. 12 '08

Awesome concept, Jay! Just two observations:**1. I think that writing the tag with Italic is not justified and doesn't work right.*2. Perhaps I would play a little bit with the tag line and I would try another fonts, too.

wurdz Feb. 12 '08

Nice, however you may want to consider the fact that the glass looks like a devil's pitchfork. I'd smooth it out a little.

JayKay Feb. 12 '08

Doesn't the Devil carry a Trident?

JayKay Feb. 12 '08


nido Feb. 12 '08

yes... this is very fine.... indeed!

alto Feb. 12 '08

Beautiful mark!

logodesign Feb. 12 '08

Creative Logo Design. I think the wine glass should be thin as fonts.

vigorbranding Feb. 13 '08**The wine glass mark and use of it for the %22i%22 has already been done. This is well executed, but derivative. Sorry.

JayKay Feb. 13 '08

I highly doubt your example is the first time a glass has been used to replace a letter in a word and I highly doubt that mine will be the last... %3Bp

logomotive Feb. 13 '08

Not to mention this can be trademarked as it's part of the logotype.

vigorbranding Feb. 13 '08

@Jaykay*A wine glass, with a large bell, with a swishing effect replacing an %22i%22 in the word? It's extremely close. It's your design. I, personally, would want to know if something was that close to a logo I designed. I would then go back to the drawing board.**@Logomotive*%22can%22 or %22can't%22, anything can be trademarked and registered in the States. **Trademarked or not, the goal of designing logos is to create something unlike anything else out there. You're supposed to be visually positioning the company separate from any other company.**Like I said. It's your work and your design.

logomotive Feb. 13 '08

@ vigorbranding, well actually no not everything can be registered due to infringement. I can only assume your also not the first to come up with this concept.

vigorbranding Feb. 13 '08

We did pretty extensive research. I can't say for sure that I was the first to come up with this concept. I can say that we looked through the USPTO quite extensively and didn't find anything. We also searched through logolounge and logopond and found nothing remotely close. This was in printed publications over two years ago.**I'm not sure why a derivative design is being defended as it is. Let's just start putting swooshes in logos and call it a day.

JayKay Feb. 13 '08

vigorbranding, I'm not sure if you're accusing me of copying your or not but I can assure you I did not. I'd never seen your logo before in fact.**To be perfectly honest, a logo where a wine glass is to be included... replacing one of the letters (%22I%22 being by far the most convenient) is hardly a far fetched or original thought process. This was pretty much the first thing I thought of, I drew it on paper, it looked ok so I built it.**At the end of the day, I wouldn't worry too much as 1/ the logo is for a web site only and 2/ it is for a competition and almost certainly wont win anyway %3B-)

hellouriah Feb. 13 '08

Love the 3D wine / water effect inside the glass, see a bit of that on here really adds some subtle depth.

gstaltig Feb. 14 '08

you've definitly got my vote on this one! Love the light on the top left of the glass., it makes the logo work. It would be interesting to see it printed out, but as it's only for a competition, this probably won't happen?

JayKay May. 15 '08

itsgareth%3B No :-)

alexTOO Jun. 01 '08

Haha, all you have to do is look at %22vigorbranding%22's portfolio. It ends this argument instantly.

apo Nov. 04 '16


I would like to ask if I can use your logo ?
Which font have you used ?

Thank you


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