by JayKay • Uploaded: Feb. 08 '08 - Gallerized: Feb. '08
Mark represents a speaker, the letters 'C' and 'A' and a sound wave in an oscilloscope.
I couldn't really think how to make this more 'car-ish' but given the company name, it shouldn't be too important.
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Lets Discuss
I like the mark, but I'm not crazy about the little %22serifs%22 on the %22E%22s. Because these extra embellishments only appear in the last word, it feels a little unbalanced.
ReplyYou're probably right :-) Classic case of %22Less is more%22 I suppose!
ReplyNice icon, JayKay. I think it suits the business really well.
ReplyThanks, dude!
ReplyThe idea is clever, but I immediately thought of the Infiniti car emblem/logo.
ReplyOcularink you're right. In my defense though, I didn't even know such a car manufacturer existed. I've never seen an Infiniti car over here in England. Hmmm...*
ReplyYea, dude, I figured that was the case. But hey, just so you are aware. Great minds do think alike after all. :-)
Reply%22I immediately thought of the Infiniti car emblem/logo.%22 - same here. Much too close to the Infiniti logo...
ReplyI also thought of Infiniti. Infiniti is essentially the rebranded luxury line of Nissans. As long as the logo is used in a region without the car, you should be okay.
ReplyHmm, perhaps we will need to take a look at this. It's certainly used in an area (country even) where infiniti has about 0%25 market share (at least I've never seen one, and nobody here locally noticed the similarity which suggests they haven't either), but it's not really cool that they look so alike.**Perhaps the solution could be something as simple as rotating the mark 90 degree so that it resembles the speaker primarily... Hmm....
ReplyI thought it looked like %22Inifiniti%22 car brand too, at first glance, and from now on %3B)
Replyyeah, too bad about the infinity similarities ... but that is too close, someone could end up in real trouble, and i have seen quite a few infinity cars in the UK
Replylooks like infiniti to me from a distance. but it's a cool mark!
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