Igor Brisker monogram

by IgorBrisker • Uploaded: Jan. 16 '13


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Description: My own monogram.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 1671
Tags: igorbrisker ib monogram brisker

Lets Discuss

Type08 Jan. 17 '13

Something very similar is already in use by Ivan Bobrov. You can check his profile here: logopond.com/members/profile/21064

IgorBrisker Jan. 17 '13

Thank you for example, Type08. This is really similar. By the way, we both are from Russia. But it\'s pure coincidence. We have the same initials, and idea of combination of them is pretty much obvious :)

firebrand Jan. 18 '13

Oh, I just ran into this thinking it was Ivan too. Confusing.


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