Personal Logo V.1 - Inverted Colors

by Heath • Uploaded: Nov. 29 '11


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Description: I just changed it up so it would work on white because their are some types of print uses that are done with white backgrounds. I think it works but it's not as good as the black bg.
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Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 1659

Lets Discuss

ColinTierney Nov. 29 '11

i think there needs to be a little more attention to detail. the kerning in 'heath' and 'entrepreneur' is off. the negative space or outline of the banner is not consistent (or the same width) all the way around. is 'cates' part of your name? if so, why separate it from your first name? i think you're on to something nice, just work on the little things because this is what counts.

heath Nov. 30 '11

I have honestly never worked on kerning. I had to look it up. Are their any kerning tuts you would recommend? And thanks for the feedback.

ColinTierney Nov. 30 '11

here is a fun site to start off with...*


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